Coming Up: Teks iOS and Android Workshops

By | March 28, 2016

Working on new, innovative apps excites us the most…no surprises there. There is another thing that gives us great joy too – the sight of young, enthusiastic coders learning the basics of mobile app development, and actually making a name for themselves as developers. During the second week of May in Sweden, our Swedish chapter – Teks Mobile Sweden – will be organizing two 5-day training workshops, on making applications for the iOS and Android platforms respectively. We are looking forward to a healthy turnout at the event, a seamless transfer and sharing of knowledge, interactive sessions between learners and some of the best mobile app developers in the industry, and…at the end of it all…bringing all attendees up to speed regarding the creation of custom apps. Here are all the details you need to know about our upcoming iOS/Android workshops:

iOS and Android training workshops in Sweden

The Names

The iOS training workshop is named ‘iOS-Con 2016’. ‘Deal With Droid 2016’ is the name of the Android workshop we will be hosting.

The Dates

May 9 – May 13 (09:00 – 17:30 on all the days)

Dates of iOS/Android workshops, Sweden

The Venue

Kistamassan, Torshamnsgatan 18, 164 40 Kista, Stockholm, Sweden


The Organizer

Teks Mobile Sverige - logo

Teks Mobile Sverige (in association with Teknowledge Software)

 Number Of Delegates

20 each at the iOS and Android training workshops. We have kept the total number of seats at the event limited, to keep the entire thing focussed. Only genuinely interested candidates are requested to register for the event.

The Sessions

iOS-Con 2016

 On each day of the Teks Sweden iOS workshop, there will be 4 sessions. A half-hour morning recess has been scheduled from 10:30 to 11:00, the lunch hour is from 13:00 to 14:00, and the afternoon hi-tea will be from 15:30 to 16:00.

 Here is the full lineup of events at iOS-Con 2016:


Day 1/May 9: 09:00-10:30 – Introduction to iOS apps

                                           Introduction to Xcode

                                           Creating different applications, App settings


                      11:00-13:00 – Introduction to Application Life Cycles

                                            Classes & Naming Conventions

                                            Variables & Data Types

                                            Function declarations


                         14:00-15:30 – Interface Builder




                              16:00-17:30: Review QA

iOS Workshop - Day 1 Schedule

Day 2/May 10: 09:00-10:30 – Introduction to different UI controls.


                       11:00-13:00 – Delegates, User Delegates

                                             Completion Handlers, Custom Completion Handler

                                             Enums, User Defaults

                                             App folder structure and usage


                        14:00-15:30 – File Operations

                                              JSON, XML Parsing

                                              Arrays, Dictionaries & Data


                        16:00-17:30: Review QA

iOS Workshop - Day 2 Schedule

Day 3/May 11: 09:00-10:30 – Using ScrollView

                                             Using TableView

                                             Using CollectionView


                         11:00-13:00 – Navigation Controllers

                                               Tabbar Controllers


                          14:00-15:30 – Split Controllers

                                                Animation & UI Dynamics


                           16:00-17:30: Review QA

iOS Workshop - Day 3

Day 4/May 12: 09:00-10:30 – Using CocoaPods

                                            Using Internal/External Frameworks


                       11:00-13:00 – Networking, APIs

                                              GPS, Map


                          14:00-15:30 – Core Data & Sqlite




                            16:00-17:30: Review QA

iOS Workshop - Day 4 Schedule

Day 5/May 13: 09:00-10:30 – Using AutoLayout

                                             UI Design Patterns


                       11:00-13:00 – Debugging

                                             Using Tools

                                             Using Assets

                                            Setting Launch Images & App Icons


                      14:00-15:30 – Running app into device

                                            OTA Deployment

                                           Agile Development iOS Tricks

                          16:00-17:30: Review QA

iOS Workshop - Day 5 Schedule

Deal With Droid 2016


Just like its iOS counterpart, ‘Deal With Droid 2016’ will also be held over a span of 5 days at Kistamassan. The recess and lunch timings are the same.


The complete itinerary of the Android workshop is as follows:


Day 1/May 9: 09:00-10:30 – What is Android?

                                           Setup Development Environment


                      11:00-13:00 – Application Structure:


                                             User permissions

                                              Resources, Assets

                                              Layouts and Drawables

                                             Activities and Lifecycle


                         14:00-15:30 – My First Android Application

                                               Running applications


                              16:00-17:30:       Logcat Usage, DDMS

                                                          Review QA

Android workshop - Day 1 Schedule

Day 2/May 10: 09:00-10:30 – Simple UI – Layouts & Layout Properties

                                             Resolution & Density dependence


                       11:00-13:00 – Basic UI Design-Form Design


                        14:00-15:30 – Second Application – Event Driven Programming (button click), Develop an app for demonstration communication between Intents.


                        16:00-17:30: Toast, Menu, Dialog, ImageViews, WebViews, and more.

                                             Review QA

Android Workshop - Day 2 Schedule

Day 3/May 11: 09:00-10:30 – Examples: Listviews, Gridviews, Adapters


                         11:00-13:00 – Tab Activities


                          14:00-15:30 – Database Sqlite



                          16:00-17:30: Shared Preferences, Internal Storage, External Storage        SD    Cards

                                                Review QA

Android Workshop - Day 3 Schedule

Day 4/May 12: 09:00-10:30 – Broadcast Receivers Alarms


                       11:00-13:00 – Services


                          14:00-15:30 – Threads, Handlers and Runnables


                            16:00-17:30: Asynctask

                                                 Review QA

Android Workshop - Day 4 Schedule

Day 5/May 13: 09:00-10:30 – Fragments


                       11:00-13:00 – Exception Handling


14:00-15:30 – Location-based services and Google Maps


  16:00-17:30: Testing, Debugging, Installing Android APK

                      Review QA

Android Workshop - Day 5 Schedule

The Benefits

We have chalked up the entire plan for the iOS/Android workshops so as to help attendees expand their knowledge pool as much as possible. Here are a few of the many high points of ‘iOS-Con 2016’ and ‘Deal With Droid 2016’:


  • Globally renowned mobile app entrepreneurs as guest speakers.
  • Interactive lessons and seminars.
  • Live Demonstrations (at Deal With Droid 2016).
  • Special sessions on app testing/debugging, agile development.
  • Separate ‘Review & QA sessions’ (on each day, at both the workshops).
  • Top notch networking opportunities.
  • One-on-one sessions.


The Registration


Both students from tech universities as well as working professionals can attend the Teks Sverige iOS/Android workshops. Registrations can be done online, from:



directly from

Candidates can also send emails to for tickets.

The Registration Fee for the iOS and Android training workshops is SEK 20000/person.

 Registration tickets for Teks Sweden iOS/Android workshops

Group Discounts

 For groups of 6 or more people, we have a special discount of 10%. We would love to have lots of learners at the event – and we are confident about being able to help them learn how to make mobile apps…thoroughly.

 Three Month FREE Support

 All registered attendees at ‘iOS-Con 2016’ and ‘Deal With Droid 2016’ will also be provided a three-month coding support service (from the Teknowledge Software staff), absolutely free. If and when an attendee gets stuck while programming for an app, all that (s)he will have to do is get in touch with us via phone, email or Skype. We will resolve the issue(s) promptly.

 Last Date Of Registration

 Registration for ‘iOS-Con 2016’ and ‘Deal With Droid 2016’ closes on April 25. Book your tickets early…or you might just miss out!

 Get In…And Let’s Learn Together

 We look forward to seeing all you readers in Kistamassan, at the iOS/Android workshops. Register early…and learn all the nitty-gritties of mobile app development from the top industry leaders.


Be There!

Hussain Fakhruddin
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Hussain Fakhruddin

Hussain Fakhruddin is the founder/CEO of Teknowledge mobile apps company. He heads a large team of app developers, and has overseen the creation of nearly 600 applications. Apart from app development, his interests include reading, traveling and online blogging.
Hussain Fakhruddin
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