Author Archives: Hussain Fakhruddin

Cocos2D vs Unity3D – A Comparison Of The Best App Development Frameworks

A common query among many aspiring game/app developers is, whether to use Cocos2D or Unity3D for their first few applications. We have here done an in-depth, point-by-point comparison of the two development frameworks.


Thanks to the rapidly growing popularity of the Cocos2D and Unity3D development systems, hardly anyone uses the XNA framework to develop games and apps at present. Particularly among iPhone app developers, Cocos2D has become the first-choice framework to work with. On the other hand, interest in, and usage of, Unity (both 2D and 3D) has witnessed a spurt over the last few months. Let us here do a brief Cocos2D vs Unity3D comparative study, to help you decide which one would be the best for you:


  1. Prior programming knowledge – If you have decent experience of coding in C and C++, you can start learning Cocos2D. However, for an absolute newbie, Unity3D is always the better choice. All that you will need to know is a working knowledge of some of the supported languages (Unityscript, C#). With detailed tutorials being available online, that is hardly a difficult task.
  2. Learning curve – Longer and significantly steeper for Cocos2D. Those who are new to the field of gaming software and mobile app development tend to get confused while learning about ‘pointers’, ‘particle systems’ and ‘bitmap fonts’ (the last two are third-party tools), in particular. Although highly beneficial, the Cocostudio requires some time to get used to as well. Unity3D is way easier to learn. If you sincerely keep at it, you can start making your own app within 2-3 days.
  3. Low-end development support – As a new developer, you should start off with a small, simple game. Cocos2D offers greater opportunities on this front. With this development framework, games with sizes as low as 1.5 MB can be created. On the other hand, the minimum size of games/apps developed via Unity3D have to be 8 MB. The size of the app you wish to develop is, hence, an important influencing factor.
  4. Amount of manual coding involved – Cocos2D is open source, and users need to write the bulk of the code lines themselves. As we have already pointed out, if you are not comfortable with coding (or do not have the time for it), opting for Unity3D is advisable. There is a slight ‘beta’ feel about Cocos2Dx as well, which most app development experts do not enjoy.
  5. Time-management – It’s a tie between Cocos2D and Unity3D, as far as the time-factor is concerned. The Unity Editor in the latter helps developers do away with unnecessary wastage of time – since apps/games can be directly tested on it (deployment with devices is generally not required). If you are prepared to invest some extra time, you will find the Cocostudio to be equally time-efficient as well. There is a host of free third-party tools and add-ons that make the job of iOS app developers easier.
  6. Availability of online support – Cocos2D is catching up, but till now, Unity easily has greater community support on the web. The are close to 16000 search results on stackoverflow, and finding tutorials, user guidelines, and even cheat sheets is fairly simple. Now compare that with the community support for Cocos2D, for which the stackoverflow search count hovers around the 3500 mark. Most of the early books on Cocos2D (v.3.0) were in Chinese, and that added to the problem. However, new Cocos tutorials are being released, and its online support base (forums and communities) is expanding.
  7. Customization for different games – Essential for Unity3D users, not so much for those working with Cocos2D. On the former, each of the game objects has to be coded separately – and there is a large number of Unity scripts associated with every game or mobile application. To a certain extent, this does reduce the time-advantage offered by the Unity Editor.
  8. Suitability for custom mobile app development – When it comes to compatibility with different platforms, Unity3D wins hands down. While Cocos2D is almost exclusively used by iOS app developers, Unity comes in handy for making Chrome applications, iPhone games/apps and even Android applications. Also, as it is pretty evident from their names, Unity3D is the better choice for making three-dimensional games and applications. Cocos also has a 3D version, but it is not as good.
  9. Expenses involved – Both Cocos2D and Unity3D are available for free download (on Windows and MacOS X systems). With SpriteBuilder 1.1, the new version of Cocos2D (open source, version 3.1) has also become available. The only snag regarding Unity3D is, if you want fancy graphics or splash screens for your app – you will probably have to go for the paid version of the framework. The monthly subscription charge for a Unity3D Pro License is $75. Not a very small amount!
  10. Examples of successful usage – Renowned game and mobile app companies have been working with the two systems for close to a year now. As such, both of them have been used to create several hugely successful gaming applications. Angry Birds Epic and Temple Run 2 are two of the biggest hits developed with Unity, while Cocos2D had been used for creating winners like BadLand and 2048.  At most companies, Unity3D as well as Cocos2D projects are regularly accepted.
  11. Third-party Cocos tools vs Unity plugins – Unity3D might be the easier framework to learn for a new developer, but its external plugins can be just a tad confusing. In particular, for creating menus on games/apps, the NGUI plugin (available at the asset store) is required – and you will need to spend some time to get a hang of how it works. Tilemaps and bitmap fonts are two of the most frequently used external tools of Cocos2D. It’s a fact though, that the more useful of these Cocos tools are available only on Mac systems.
  12. The power of C++ – There is a general opinion that C++ support makes the task of app and game development just a tad easier. Only if you are working with Cocos2D, will you get this. However, the C# and native UnityScript support for Unity3D is robust enough as well. On the reliability front, there is very little to choose between the two frameworks.

All things considered, Unity3D would slightly edge ahead of Cocos2D – particularly due to the Unity Editor, and the fact that new developers find Cocostudio rather complicated. Game objects can be reused more easily with Unity too. However, for two-dimensional games, Cocos2D does an excellent job as well, since it is very user-friendly and does not have excess overheads (due to the single platform focus). If you wish to start making both 2D and 3D games, you should take time out to learn both the development engine frameworks. Depending on your projects, budget, workflow and other factors, you can then make the correct choice every time.

Nexus In & Android Silver Out For Google?

Contrary to what many had thought a few months back, Google is clearly giving greater precedence to its Nexus line of phones over its much-talked-about Android Silver program. We here dissect some key signals which suggest that Nexus is indeed more important than Android Silver for Google.


From April, rumors have been doing the rounds in mobile tech communities and forums, that Google was planning to launch a new mobile software program, Android Silver. Many feared that the Nexus line of phones would be withdrawn, even after David Burke, the engineering head at Google, categorically asserted that the company is still very much ‘invested in Nexus’. Six months on, it is the Android Silver program that has taken a backseat – while the new flagship Nexus phone and tablet have been officially announced. Here are certain telltale indications that Google is definitely focusing more on Nexus devices than on Android Silver at present:


  1. Confirmation of the Nexus 9 tablet – Android Authority has confirmed that the HTC Nexus 9 tablet is scheduled to be unveiled in about a week (October 15 and 16). The Nexus 6 phone, which would also be known as Motorola Shamu or Nexus X, will be launched before the year is out as well. There has been no such information forthcoming from Google regarding Android Silver.
  2. Nexus 6/9 will be replacing the older devices – Android Silver is a brand new program, while Nexus is a well-established, and rather successful, line of handsets. The Nexus 6 will directly replacing Google Nexus 5, which is, in any case, running out of stock at several places. Most mobile analysts and app developers feel that the Nexus 9 would be a more-than-adequate replacement for Asus Nexus 7 and Samsung Nexus 10. Creating a market for Android Silver would be an entirely different ball-game.
  3. The departure of Nikesh Arora – Arora, who was one of the head architects at Google and directly in charge of the Android Silver project, parted ways with the company in July. He was overseeing strategic carrier partnerships and device management plans for the program too. Understandably, his departure has played a part in the Silver project getting delayed for the time-being. Just goes to show that for small mobile app companies and a tech giant like Google alike, loss of key personnel always leads to complications.
  4. Android L is expected to debut on the new Nexus phones – A long-standing tradition of Google has been to launch new versions of the Android mobile OS along with a new Nexus phone. The successor to Android Kitkat, Android L (in all probability, ‘Lollipop’) will make its first appearance later this month – and it is only natural that Nexus 6/9 will be the devices it will debut on. Focusing on Android Silver now would force a break in this tradition.
  5. Android One has already been launched – Google has big plans with its Android One project – which targets at delivering the ‘best Android experience’ to every user, at prices of less than $100. The project has kicked off in India with three Micromax, Karbonn and Spice phones, and mobile marketers and app developers feel that Google would soon expand this project to other Asian countries. Nexus and Android One have become Google’s priorities, and Android Silver has – as a result – been delayed.
  6. Lukewarm response from partners, OEMs and carrier companies regarding Android Silver – For Android Silver to emerge a hit, Google would need the unconditional support of a large number of original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) as well as carrier companies. The former, in particular, have not been really been interested in a project that would leave them with only the hardware to play around with. Among carriers, Verizon and AT&T were directly against the program, and Google had managed to bring only T-Mobile and Sprint in its corner. Until the support base becomes stronger, launching the Android Silver program would be a risky proposition. Launching a new Nexus device is a way safer strategy.
  7. Extra interest from HTC – The ambitious entry of HTC into the tablet market with Jetstream and Flyer had fizzled out earlier, and the mobile company is desperate to set things right this time. Since interest is already brewing about Nexus 9, and the specs of the device have impressed general enthusiasts and mobile app developers alike, it is almost certain that HTC will finally have a successful, well-reviewed tablet in the market. Understandably, it’s an extra motivation – and Google seems ready to oblige. After Nexus One, no other Nexus phone had debuted on HTC – and that’s a factor as well.
  8. Repeated signals from the Google engineering chief – Let’s face it – as soon as it was known that Google was working on a new program called Android Silver, people simply assumed that it would replace the Nexus series. Apart from rubbishing such claims and stating that the company is ‘invested in Nexus’, David Burke has also said on record that the assumption of Nexus being discontinued is a ‘totally wrong conclusion’. Interestingly, he, along with other Google engineering hotshots, have refused to make any comment on Android Silver. It’s easy to deduce which project Google is currently more interested in now!
  9. Android apps are being updated – At all leading Android app development companies, developers are updating/optimizing their applications – so that they become compatible with the specs of Android L. That is yet another confirmation that the new Android update is coming soon, and Google would be well-advised to release a new Nexus phone and tablet with it. What will be the point of unveiling Android L if there are no new devices to showcase it on?
  10. Need for strong competitors to iPhone 6 and 6 Plus – Bendgate and Hairgate notwithstanding, the new flagship handsets from Apple are off to a flying start. Samsung Galaxy S5 is a challenger to iPhone 6, but the South Korean company is almost certain to part ways with Android (in favor of its own Tizen OS). As such, it is vital for Google to release Nexus 6 (challenger to iPhone 6) and Nexus 9 (challenger to iPhone 6 Plus) as soon as possible. Otherwise, it might fall behind in the worldwide smartphone market. There is no such urgency for Android Silver.
  11. The Nexus line is not likely to ‘disappear’ any time soon – Provided, of course, the new Nexus phones are not dramatic disappointments. As David Burke pointed out, Google is into making Nexus phones and the Android open source code. That is, and always will be, the way of working at Google – and there is no chance of the company suddenly bringing the Nexus line to an end. Android Silver, even if it does come along later, will never be a ‘replacement’ of Nexus.
  12. Specs of Nexus phone are out but nothing is known for certain for Android Silver – This is probably the clincher. Right from mobile app development experts to online Android community and forum members – almost everyone knows that the Motorola Nexus 6 will have a 5.92” screen, a Snapdragon 805 processor (in all likelihood), 32 GB (internal) memory space and a 13 MP camera. Now compare that to the Android Silver scenario – where nothing is known about even carrier support or partner OEMs. Google is silent about Silver, a clear indication that the program is being kept on hold.

It was a folly to assume that Google would terminate the Nexus series after Nexus 5, and it will be a mistake to proclaim anything like ‘Android Silver is dead’ now. All that can be said for certain is that, Google is investing more time and effort on the new Nexus phones and popularizing the Android One project. Work on Silver might well resume sometime next year.


AppBoard Tuesday – 11 Things To Do AFTER Creating A Mobile App

Howdy, all you Teks fans out there! Our teeny-weeny holiday’s over, and it’s back-to-work time. That, of course, means, AppBoard Tuesday (ABT) – our free newsletter – makes a comeback from this week as well. In today’s edition, we won’t be dealing with how you should create apps. Instead, we would be focusing on what you should do after the app development process is over.

Maybe when you are learning the ropes of coding for mobile apps, the mere completion of an application is viewed as an achievement. In the professional world though, things are a whole lot different – and unless your app manages to stand out amongst the 1.3 million-odd applications at Google Play Store or iTunes, the entire thing would be treated as an exercise in futility. Creating a post-release buzz about a mobile app in order to ensure strong initial download figures is not a particularly difficult task though. Here’s how you should go about gaining maximum exposure for your apps:


  1. Submit your app – Yes, this is a bit of a no-brainer – but it’s the first thing you need to do. Once you are done with all the mobile app testing stages (and are satisfied with the results), submit your app at iTunes and/or Play Store. For the former in particular, you will have to be extra careful – for the app review process at the Apple App Store is rather rigorous. Of course, that does not mean you can get away with making buggy Android apps!
  2. Get reviews – This is where you will need to showcase your PR skills. Ask your colleagues, friends, family members, other close acquaintances (basically, any person you can approach for a professional favor) to give a favorable review of your app at the store. Make sure that your application is indeed worthy of a high rating (in fact, that’s the first thing you should consider!). Provided that your app is good, users would start giving reviews on their own over time. A fairly large number of positive reviews within the first week or so after the release of the app can serve as a great launching-pad.
  3. Showcase the designs – If you have created a unique, breakthrough application that no other mobile app company has been able to think about – good on you. Given the sheer number and variety of apps at the stores, chances for that are slim though, and there will be competition in practically every genre. What can make your app stand out is its UI/UX designs, color combinations, splash screens, and other display features. Channels like Behance and Pinterest can go a long way in highlighting the mobile app designing styles you have made use of. Find out how you can promote your app through Behance here.
  4. Think cross-platform – There’s more money in iPhone apps, while Android dominates the worldwide smartphone market. Any mobile app developer worth his/her salt would want to reach out to the maximum number of people. If you have made an iOS application, create an Android version of it as well (and vice versa). Specializing in cross-platform mobile app development would help you have a buffer – just in case any one version of your new app fails.
  5. Optimize the app-description – It’s only partially true that people do not generally bother to read the entire description of an app at iTunes or the Play Store. Everyone browses through the first 2-3 lines though – and that’s precisely why you need to explain the key functions and benefits of your app at the very outset. Arrange the rest of the text in small paragraphs/bulleted points. Do not forget to research for, and include, relevant tags for the app. Do not make any false claims in the description, however!
  6. Social media is your friend – Think Facebook, think Twitter, think Google Plus. On FB, announce the arrival of your app at the store(s) and provide the download link – without being overtly promotional about it. Regularly tweet about the key features of your new app, and use the ‘hashtag’ option to emphasize on them. On G+, publish information about your app in more or less the same way. Change the reach of your Google Plus posts from ‘Friends’ to ‘Public’. The more people get to know about your app, the better.
  7. Think beyond your own social media pages – This is, for all purposes, an extension of the previous point. On Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus and most other leading social media sites, you will find groups/communities/pages dedicated to mobile app development. Promote your application on them as well (you might have to become a member of these communities first). In addition, you can publish teasers/images of your app on the pages/timelines of other people interested in app designing and development. Do no spam though – and ask for their permissions, before going ahead with your postings.
  8. Publish informative press releases – You might have heard that online press releases have lost much of their value – since a large number of them are not newsworthy at all. However, for publicising a newly launched app, they are still one of the best tools. Ideally, write in third-person about the app’s features, the purposes it is meant to serve, the availability at stores, the price (if it’s a free app, mention that). Do not promote the app too much, and avoid praising it to the skies. PRs are supposed to be neutral, you have classified ad sites for more hardcore promotions.
  9. Regular upgrades are important – People shy away from mobile apps which are upgraded rarely, if at all. Provide information (in the app store description as well as via social media) regarding how frequently you plan to provide free updates/version upgrades (yep, they have to be FREE!). You have the option of naming the introductory version of your app something like ‘Version 1.0.1’, and include a few basic features (say, bug fixes) as ‘new’ in it. Buyers love apps that at least seem to have been recently upgraded.
  10. Bad screenshots = Bad impressions – A rule of thumb you should learn by heart. A prospective buyer is not really interested in how much technical expertise has gone into an Android or iPhone app development process, (s)he only skims through the app-descriptions – and all that (s)he wants to know whether the app would be useful and easy-to-use. This is where the importance of using high-quality app screenshots at the stores come into the picture. Ask your graphic designer to make detailed screenshots (at least 5) for every version of the application (if it is an iOS app, have separate screenshots for iPhone and iPad). Remember, these screenshots are the only way the public can form an idea about your app.
  11. Listen to what the early adopters have to say – Mobile app testing in a focus group is important, but it is not entirely foolproof. It is very much possible that an app which everyone at your mobile app agency have loved actually has certain snags (say, causes excess battery drain, consumes too much mobile bandwidth, etc.). Actively seek feedback from the people who have downloaded your app during the first couple of weeks. If there are any user-complaints, rectify it – and release an updated, problem-free version. Before launching a large-scale promotional drive, make sure you will not be pushing a defective app. Word-of-mouth publicity matters!

Email marketing is another initiative that is often adopted by app development companies, to inform potential clients about new app releases. If your company has a weekly/monthly e-newsletter subscription facility, promote new apps through them as well. The app market is crowded and getting featured at the stores won’t happen overnight – but if your application is good and you follow smart post-release promotional strategies, the chances of success would become a lot brighter.


That rounds up this week’s dosage of Teks-gyan. If you are into the mobile application development business, do let us know about how you generally go about promoting your new apps. If you wish to know in detail about any particular aspect of app-making, do let us know – and we will try to cover it in forthcoming editions of AppBoard Tuesday.


ABT will be back next Tuesday, with yet another interesting discussion on mobile apps. Wait for it…and stay zapped with apps!


iOS 8: More Lows Than Highs?

Tim Cook has every reason to be happy with the burgeoning sales reports of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. However, he and his colleagues are probably concerned about the many snags in the new iOS 8 platform that are being reported. We have here focused on some key issues with the mobile OS.


In the domain of mobile technology, Apple Inc. hogged all the headlines in September. Tim Cook and his team launched iPhone 6 (and its bigger phablet-cousin, iPhone 6 Plus) amidst much fanfare at a Cupertino event. As had been expected from the frenzy and anticipation among Apple-fans, the initial sales figures of the new flagship smartphones have been excellent – with the 4.7” iPhone 6 reportedly closing in on 20 million sales. What those in charge at Apple had not accounted for were the multifarious snags in iOS 8 (the platform which debuted on the new handsets) that would soon become apparent. It has been nearly a month since the arrival of iPhone 6, and these have been the chief user-complaints about iOS 8:


  1. Bug in wi-fi connectivity – A problem that has been reported by early adopters of iPhone 6 as well as those who have upgraded the mobile OS on their iPhone 5 handsets. The bug is causing frequent connection drops, problems in identifying and registering on new networks, and a general unsatisfactory browsing experience. Software and mobile app developers have found that re-starting the wi-fi settings serves as a temporary solution of this issue.
  2. Keyboard usage problems – Much to the delight of, well, any user, Apple has finally made a mobile platform that supports third-party keyboards. However, it is pretty clear that, till date, this customization option is not entirely without flaws. People have reported problems in connecting with external keypads, and there have been usability issues with the native phone keypad as well. A new update that irons out these problems is expected soon.
  3. Sorry state of Bluetooth connectivity – Oh well, this has raged on even after Apple released the iOS 8.0.2 upgrade. Users are finding it rather tricky to connect their new iPhones with their vehicle audio systems and headsets. There is a growing discontent about the connectivity with Bluetooth speakers too. Logging out of iCloud and rebooting the devices is a way to work around this problem – but it’s definitely not a satisfactory one!
  4. Excessive battery drain – To be fair, not everyone has experienced this problem, and you do not expect a high-end smartphone to have spectacularly high battery-life either. Even so, there have been a buzz in online Apple forums and iPhone app development communities that some devices upgraded to iOS 8 have lost a rather significant chunk of their battery performance. There won’t be any magic remedy for this – but the Apple engineers would surely find a way to do away with excessive battery drain problems, soon.
  5. Sluggish mobile web browsing – This was definitely not a problem anyone had anticipated. Upgrading to iOS 8 (or purchasing an iPhone 6/6 Plus) have compromised with the overall web browsing speeds for many users worldwide. The main complaint refrain is the same – web pages are taking comparatively longer to load properly in devices powered by the new mobile OS. For people who surf the internet on the go and/or love to use web-supported mobile applications regularly, this is definitely something to be concerned about.
  6. Hardly anyone has loved the free U2 album – We are not suggesting that the U2 band is no longer cool or anything. It’s just that, surveys conducted by mobile app developers have conclusively revealed that users do not want stuff being ‘pushed’ to their devices (even when they are free), and prefer ‘pulling’ things themselves. Also, the popularity of downloading music is on the wane, since live music-streaming has emerged as a much more convenient option. Thankfully, Apple has provided an option to remove the free U2 album from the new iPhones.
  7. iMessage and Notifications troubles – A relatively minor glitch, but a glitch nevertheless. If the ‘Alerts’ option is selected under Notifications, it is practically impossible to compose a Quick Reply to any new text message (without having to toggle from the screen a user was originally on). The only option to tackle this problem till now is to select the ‘Banners’ notification option. That way, message notifications can be pulled down easily, and replies can be composed much more quickly.
  8. Crash reports in the Settings app – A lot of the common issues with iOS 8 platform can be addressed by tweaking the built-in Settings app. The problem is, even this application has been reported as buggy by several users – with frequent crashes being cited as the main proof for that. Another telltale indication of snags in the Settings app is the sluggishness that seems to plague the new phones, after any feature has been changed.
  9. iPhone 6 bendgate – Okay, this problem has got nothing to do with the tech features of iOS 8 – but it has added to the negativity about the new mobile platform. The all-new aluminum body of the iPhone 6 Plus is susceptible to get noticeably bent, when kept in front/back pockets for 15-18 hours. The ‘bendgate’ controversy has become the butt of jokes, memes and sarcastic competitive advertising by Apple’s main rivals – and if the problem persists, it is going to hurt the popularity of iOS 8 in the long-run.
  10. Much higher average crash rate – The average crash rate of iOS 8 devices is almost 80% higher than those running on iOS 7! That, in turn, is making many people apprehensive about upgrading to the new platform. Of course, a clearer picture would be available after a few months, when Apple has finished with all the preliminary bug-fixing procedures. For now though, stability is a major issue with iOS 8.
  11. Malfunctioning Twitter app – Interactive notifications and the share widget have been great additions to the pre-built Twitter app for the new flagship iPhones. However, regular users of the microblogging site have not been entirely pleased with its performance. There have been intermittent losses in connectivity, significant lags in new tweets becoming visible, and other such irritants. For greater acceptance in ‘twitterverse’, iOS 8 needs to be more polished!
  12. The loss of face with iOS 8.0.1 – It’s not that those up top at Apple had not envisaged that the new platform might run into a few problems in the initial stages. Sadly, the update they came up with to ‘solve’ these problems – iOS 8.0.1 – was nothing short of a horror show. Not only did it not address most of the use-complaints, implementing it also led to a much higher rate of call drops. The iOS 8.0.2 update has been better (although Bluetooth problems are yet to be fixed), and a full-blown iOS 8.1 upgrade might soon be announced.


Reports that apps crash about 3%-4% of the time (on average) on iOS 8 have got iPhone app developers from all over rather worried. The fact that 5.8 GB of free space is required for installing iOS 8 is a problem for many users as well. Apple needs to improve iOS 8 considerably, and in rather quick time – failing which, the new platform might well turn out to be a flop.


Infowatch September – The Teks Newsletter

Time for September to draw to a close, and time for our monthly newsletter, Infowatch! Hello and welcome to all of you out there – regular followers of Infowatch and first-timers alike. This has been a month of hectic happenings, breaking news, product launches and controversies galore in the tech domain. Without much of further ado, let us straightaway dive into the news bits that grabbed the headlines in September 2014, shall we?:

iPhone 6 arrives, With Controversies

In a grand event at Cupertino, the much awaited 4.7” iPhone 6 and the 5.5” iPhone 6 Plus (phablet) made their appearance this month. In keeping with the buoyant predictions of software and iPhone app developers worldwide (and surely, Tim Cook’s expectations!), over 10 million units of iPhone 6 got sold within the first 3 days of its launch. What Mr. Cook had surely not bargained for, however, was the ‘bendgate’ controversy of iPhone 6 Plus, or the way in which Apple’s live streaming of the September 9 show would go kaput during the event. Apple Watch – the ‘one other thing‘ of Mr. Cook, was a noteworthy new gadget too.

Host of new smartphones dazzle at IFA 2014

IFA, one of biggest annual technology trade shows in Europe, was held at Berlin during the first half of the month. Attended by close to 1550 exhibitors and an astounding 240000 trade visitors, the 6-day extravaganza witnessed the launch of a bevy of sophisticated new smartphones. Some of the most noteworthy among them were Sony Xperia Z3 and E3, Samsung Galaxy Note 4 (probably the biggest challenger of iPhone 6) and Note Edge, and Nokia Lumia 730 and 830. Incidentally, the Lumia 730 has been dubbed as the ‘selfie phone’.

First Android-powered printer hits the market

It’s not only about tablets and smartphones and wearables at Samsung. The company brought the breakthrough Smart MultiXpress printers (in 10 alternative models) to the market this month. Meant to be used with PCs, these printers have 10.1” touchscreen panels and boast of Near-field communication (NFC) features. Cloud Print and XOA printing platform are supported by these new-age printers too. The Samsung-Android partnership is still on!

Need to file a police complaint? Do it through apps!

At least that’s what Delhi Police is encouraging people to do. Irrespective of the type of FIR to be filed (it might even be traffic updates), people can now visit the official website of Delhi Police (that’s and download three different mobile applications on their phone. The apps are showcased at Google Play Store as well. Thanks to advancements in the mobile app development industry, manual complaint registration delays are now things of the past!

Google forced to cough up $19 million in refunds

According to a ruling by the American Federal Trade Commission, Google was forced to refund a whopping $19 million to parents. The case revolved around mobile apps for kids – which included dicey in-app purchase options. Children, while thinking that they were spending ‘virtual money’ while playing a game, were unwittingly ending up spending ‘real money’ on unnecessary downloads. Apple Inc. and were sued in January and July 2014 respectively on roughly the same issue.

Facebook, the best friend of introverts?

Pavica Sheldon, a communications arts professor at the Alabama University, has come up with a rather startling research result. According to her, those who are generally shy and introvert by nature tend to spend more time on Facebook – albeit they do not publishing posts or upload photos/videos that frequently. The extroverts interact more with FB, but it’s the introverts who keep a closer watch on their friends’ news feeds.

Samsung to make Galaxy Note 4 commercially available from October

The launch of the 5.7” Samsung Galaxy Note 4 has probably been pushed forward by a couple of weeks. Mobile market and app development analysts feel that this would negate any first-mover’s advantage that the iPhone 6 Plus might have had. Note 4 has been priced at 699 Euros (Samsung’s most expensive smartphone ever), while the digital pens for the device would cost 120 Euros (low-end) and 410 Euros (high-end Stylus) respectively.

Best Android Experience’ at pocket-friendly rates 

That’s precisely what Google is planning to provide to Indian smartphone users, via the all-new Android One platform. Spice, Micromaxx and Karbonn are the three mobile companies that have collaborated with Google to bring Android One to the market (the price range is Rs. 6299-Rs. 6499). Each of the three phones have received favorable reviews, and Google has plans to expand the Android One project to other South Asian countries in future.

Android L might be Android 5.1

Let’s stay with Google Android for a bit. Most mobile software experts and Android app developers had assumed that the upcoming OS version – Android L (the dessert name is yet to be finalized) will officially be known as Android 5.0. That, however, does not look so much a sure thing – after the launch of Karbonn Sparkle V (an Android One handset), on which the displayed time was 5:10. The first Android Kitkat-powered phone had 4:40 shown on its screen, so will the new version be 5.1?

Windows 9 will be unveiled tomorrow

Microsoft will be looking to put the embarrassments of Windows 8 behind it, in the new version of the computer operating system. At a much-hyped event at San Francisco, Terry Myerson and Joe Belfiore will be showcasing Windows 9 – during the ‘Windows Technical Preview’ session. Tech geeks are already abuzz with the return of the Start menu on the new platform (that would be a mighty welcome thing). Windows 9 is likely to be released commercially in early-2015.

Microsoft acquires Mojang for a whopping $2.5 billion

Windows Phone is struggling, hardly anyone uses the Surface tablet – and Microsoft is plotting a turnaround in these devices’ fortunes. This is one of the key reasons why the company has forked out $2.5 billion to acquire Mojang, the company that had designed the immensely popular Minecraft game. Interestingly, although Minecraft is the most downloaded paid application at both Play Store and iTunes, its maker Markus Persson had earlier refused to develop apps for the Windows platform. Easily the most important tech acquisition of this month.

Wish to purchase the Xiaomi Redmi 1S handset? You better hurry!

The first lot had been sold out on Flipkart within seconds, and the second lot has performed equally well. In a report published on the 18th of September, it was stated that the phone took all off 3.4 seconds to get sold out (yes, again!) from the Flipkart online store. As many as 40000 units of this Rs. 5999-priced phone was made available, which makes this sales performance all the more impressive. At this rate, Xiaomi Redmi 1S can easily trump its main rival, the second-generation Moto G devices.

Google Play Store gears up for an interface update

No one is yet sure of when Android L is going to release, but Android Police have confirmed an update in the interface (UI) of Google Play Store. Larger headers, Material Design and brighter colors are going to be some of the key features of Play Store 5.0. Apart from the revamped icon for Play Store, there will be 5 ic_launcher files. We will have to wait for the redesign to actually take place, to find out the other changes.

iPhone vs Android…The Battle Continues

If you thought that Apple would launch the large-screened iPhone 6 and quietly hope that Android fans will switch over to it…well, you were wrong. Tim Cook and his team have created a dedicated online support page, to inform users how they can move content from their Android handsets to the new iPhones. The quality and availability of apps have been specially highlighted upon. It remains to be seen though, whether this strategy actually manages to convince people to ditch their Android phones (especially after the Apple ‘bendgate’ fiasco).

Sony in a severe financial strife

For the first time in over 50 years, Sony had to cancel annual dividends. The increasingly disappointing sales of Sony smartphones have resulted in the company incurring a remarkably hefty $2 billion loss over the last financial year. More than a thousand employees are set to lose their jobs as well. Kazuo Hirai, the president of Sony, is optimistic about the company’s smartphone business becoming profitable pretty soon though.

Too much of spyware in Facebook Messenger?

When you chat with your buddies on the Facebook Messenger app on Android phones, your chats might not remain confidential. A study conducted by has indicated that the FB application has a host of spyware code, apparently meant for enterprise surveillance activities. It’s not yet certain whether Facebook is spying on its users, but analytics are being run on the Messenger app’s usage – that’s for sure. Only recently, the total number of Facebook Messenger downloads on Android phones crossed 500 million.

Now, a mobile app for the blind

No longer do visually challenged people have to do without the benefits of mobile applications. The KNFB Reader app, initially demonstrated in June by Ray Kurzweil, has been launched at the iTunes store – and it helps people without eyesight to listen to music, listen to texts (via audio readback), and engage in day-to-day activities in a lot of other ways. The Android version of the app is due to release in a couple of months too. KNFB Reader is a paid app ($99), and is a classic example of how sophisticated modern day smartphone app development techniques have become.

Now, Sony is into the smart glass market

Google Glass has not done that well? Other companies are not going to be swayed by that initial hiccup in the domain of smartglasses. After the announcement of Facebook Oculus, it is now the turn of Sony to make an entry into this sector – with the high-end Sony SmartEyeGlass. It is compatible with all Android 4.1 (and above) devices, although the video-capture function can be utilized only when the glass is being used with an Android 4.3 (or later) smartphone. The transparency level of SmartEyeGlass will be around 85%. Currently in the prototype testing stage, this gadget is expected to hit the markets by March next year.

Alibaba IPO makes stock market history

It was always a question of how big the IPO was going to be, and now we have the answer. On the day of the IPO (September 19), the share prices of Alibaba rose by 38%. The initial value of the Alibaba IPO was $21.8 billion, and the figure soon became $25 billion – following the sale of some additional shares. This is, by far, the largest initial public offering by any company. Amazon and eBay might just feel threatened by Jack Ma’s online retail company!

iOS 8 gets mixed reviews

Apple has already been forced to roll out the iOS 8.0.2 software update, following complaints about the distinctly ho-hum features of the initial version of iOS 8. For users of iPhone 4S upgrading to the new platform, loss of device speed has been a real point of concern. Shorter battery life is yet another problem that has plagued the early adopters of iOS 8. The official Apple thread has been flooded with complaints about the wi-fi connectivity issues. There have been discontent regarding the audio features too, particularly among iPad users. Apple will iron out these flaws over time – but for starters, iOS 8 is certainly not a flawless platform.

All hopes pinned on Blackberry Passport

Blackberry Z10 and Q10 may have wowed no one, but John Chen’s company is not yet giving up on its intention to fight it out in the smartphone business. A 4.5” new smartphone – Blackberry Passport – was launched on 24 September, and pre-orders have been encouraging enough. Mobile analysts and app developers have been critical about the slightly weird square shape of the device, and the absence of basic apps like Instagram and YouTube is likely to stand in the way of the device’s popularity. Having said that, users of Blackberry Passport (powered by the Blackberry 10.3 platform) would have access to more than 240000 Android applications.

Windows 7 to be available only on new machines

It is pretty clear that Microsoft does not want to keep the success of Windows 9 open to chances. Support for Windows XP has already been withdrawn, and from the 31st of October, original equipment manufacturers will be allowed to use Windows 7 only on new machines. Bug-fixes and patches support will be extended till 13 January 2015. The Windows 7 Professional edition has not been included in this announcement, however.


Ever wondered what the ‘age’ of Google might be? On the 27th, the online search engine giant celebrated its 16th birthday with a doodle – but if the launch date of the Google domain is considered, it is actually 17 years old (a harmless bit of controversy, right?). The announcement by Eric Schmidt that Samsung had devices pretty much similar to Apple’s iPhone 6 more than a year ago has also grabbed the interest of tech-enthusiasts. Speaking of controversies, there is every likelihood of there being some over the strong resemblance of the soon-to-release Samsung Galaxy Alpha with iPhones. Will there be another lawsuit? We’ll have to wait and watch!

iPhone 6 and 6 Plus made the biggest news (in a good and the bad ‘bendgate’ way) in September. The month witnessed the launch of several other high-end, sophisticated smartphones as well. Among them, the 2nd generation Moto G is expected to become really popular in the budget phones sector. If Xperia Z3 and E3 are successful, Sony’s smartphone business will start looking up again. Samsung’s Galaxy Note 4 is more than a worthy rival of Apple Inc.’s very first phablet. The new Nokia Lumia phones have made a bit of a splash too.


Okay, now let’s update you about what has been going on at our mobile app company. It has been a cracking month at Teknowledge Software, with one of its recently launched mobile app for children – Kids Tiles – garnering a 90% positive rating at The Smartphone App Review magazine. Tendish, an app we released this month, is doing well at the stores. A new version of Moodifier (with minor bug fixes), a well-received iOS application, has also been launched. Our Australian chapter – Teks Mobile Australia – has started working on 6 new app projects. Wish us luck, so that we can complete them in the best possible manner.


Has it struck you yet that Infowatch is scheduled to come out on the ‘last working day’ of every month, and today is the 29th – so what’s going on? As our Indian readers will definitely know, and most people from the United States and UK are also aware – Durga Puja (one of the biggest annual religious festivals worldwide) is kicking off tomorrow, and we will be on a short little break. In case you need a free app quote or wish to contact us for any other purpose, you can email or call us at any time though.


Infowatch returns on October 31, with a round-up of all the highlights from the tech domain next month. Till then, enjoy the festive season, let us know if any tech news catches your attention…and stay zapped with, what else, apps!


15 Reasons Why Apple Watch Is Destined To Fail

The design features and high-end functionality of Apple Watch have come in for praise from most experts on wearable technology. Will the new and long-awaited smartwatch be as big a success as it is expected to be? We do not feel that would be quite possible.


After much ado, Apple has finally entered the smartwatch market – with Apple Watch. The device was officially launched along with the two new iPhone models, at a well-hyped event at Cupertino on September 9. Shipments of Apple Watch would start from February, and Tim Cook is eyeing at around 50 million units to be sold by the end of 2015. Here are a few reasons why such lofty expectations are likely to remain unfulfilled:


  1. The hefty price tag – Even when you take into account that Apple has always been about ‘premium’ products, the $349 price tag of Apple Watch comes across as more than a little exorbitant. Samsung, with its soon-to-release Gear Live, will cost buyers $200 – which suggests that it would have a much larger market. Even Motorola’s Moto X ships at $249, and let’s face it – Apple Watch does not offer too much extra over that device.
  2. Will those who can afford it buy it? – Last year, close to 30 million Swiss wristwatches were sold – a clear indication that there was no dearth of high-end customers, who did not mind splurging on a wearable that was worth it. Apple will have to fight it out with the already established luxury watch brands in this end of the spectrum (and apart from the real tech-savvy ones, few would actually go for it). What remains are those who do not (or cannot) wear a wristwatch – and they won’t be able to afford Apple Watch anyway.
  3. Cannot serve as a substitute of smartphones – Tech gadgets can never be successful with only beautiful appearances (if that was the case, Apple Watch would be a stunning hit). Sadly, the fact is – this smartwatch is not designed to perform any function that a standard smartphone already does not. The fitness functions are nothing to really write home about (more on that later) – and there’s no ‘single core functionality’. The excessive promotions and the gimmicky features would help in initial sales, but the fad might blow over rather soon.
  4. Nopes, owning the Apple Watch won’t be a status symbol – Back in 2007, when the first-generation iPhone released, it became much more than a phone for buyers. To this day, you will find plenty of people not hesitating twice before spending almost 30% extra, for the new iPhone – because the latter offers a ‘cool way to show-off’. Apple Watch does the same – except for the fact, hardly anyone will be interested to spend all their money on a mighty expensive phone AND a pricier wristwatch. The handset will always be the first preference.
  5. Useless without iPhone 6 – Software and iPhone app development experts feel that this is the weakest point about Apple Watch. Prior to release, all the buzz was about how Jonathan Ive and his team were making the ‘perfect mobile accessory’ – and this smartwatch has turned out to be nothing of the sort. For it to be of any use, a person would have to purchase iPhone 6 or 6 Plus first. We have already highlighted how slim the chances are of anyone going for both the gadgets. There’s a wide market of Android and Blackberry users who would love to check out a new wearable device – but Apple has chosen to ignore them.
  6. Health and fitness support – Apple Watch has a built-in heart monitor, and to give where credit’s due, its interface is very well designed. Many had expected the Watch to have GPS functionality too, and they had to be disappointed. Problems crop up from mainly two fronts: Firstly, there are a lot of equally good fitness accessories (for instance, the Flex wristband from Fitbit) that are way cheaper. Also, the fitness support features fall flat whenever the latest iPhone is not in the vicinity. And frankly, how many people do you think will spend so much for health and activity-tracking features that are, at best, half-baked?
  7. Digital Crown does not really matter – Many general Apple enthusiasts and mobile app developers consider the Digital Crown feature as another key disappointment. Initial rumors had suggested that Apple Watch would have some sort of a breakthrough UI – which totally replaces the need to touch/tap its screen. Once Kevin Lynch, Apple VP, had showcased the device – all such hopes vaporised in thin air. Digital Crown/Crown does away with the need to ‘pinch-for-zoom’ the screen of any smart device, and hence, it makes reading text/figures on the Apple Watch easy. It is only a variant of the general touch feature, nothing more.
  8. Battery life will be suspect – The charger of Apple Watch looks interesting, but there is every chance that it will be called too frequently into action for anyone’s liking. The battery performance of iPhone 6 (as reported by early buyers) is decent enough, but it would be a minor miracle if Apple Watch delivers on this front as well. Till now, every smartwatch in the market has been (in varying degrees) notorious for their low battery lives. Apple Watch would probably be another addition.
  9. Durability will be an issue – For a wristwatch that costs a fortune (at least for some people who wish to buy it), Apple Watch is not going to last for long enough. Even if the user-experience is good in the initial phase – a better smartwatch would come along soon, and many people would switch over (after all, creative destruction has always been a hallmark of technology). There is no assurance that an Apple Watch would last for, say, half a decade, (without major repairs) either.
  10. Non-availability of compatible apps – The app cloud of Apple Watch (which is not a copy-paste job of the iPhone’s app grid) is impressive enough. What is likely to matter is that, more than 50% of all third-party iOS app developers worldwide are yet to come up with new versions of their applications that would be customized for the Watch. Over time, developers will surely shore up their portfolio – but will the hype about Apple Watch live on till then?
  11. First-generation Apple devices are hardly ever the best – Consider the first iPhone or iPad – and you will get the idea. The former did not even have 3G support (pretty much unthinkable now, right?). Introductory iPads faced a lot of flak due to their slow and cumbersome built-in camera. Apple loyalists (but not hardcore ‘fanboys’) might take a cue from this and stay away from the first-gen Apple Watch. There is every chance that Tim Cook will announce a more advanced Watch version in the foreseeable future.
  12. Is Apple Watch weather-resistant? – The longer Apple keeps people dangling on this feature, the chances of Watch becoming a hit will diminish further. While the Samsung Gear watches highlight water and dust-resistance as their USPs, there has been no similar announcement from the Cupertino company. No one will spend big bucks on Apple Watch, unless its promises proper performance assurance (and of course, lives up to them).
  13. Thickness matters – Apple launched two super-slim iPhone models at the event, and it came as somewhat of a surprise that the smartwatch was not a slim device as well. In fact, its width is slightly more than that of Swatch and Rolex – its two principal rivals in the fashion wristwatch category. It remains a mystery how Apple would position its product in an already saturated market – particularly when all the points-of-differences are on the tech front only.
  14. Track-record of existing smartwatches is not encouraging – Sony Smartwatch 2 received lukewarm response, and the more well-promoted Samsung Gear Fit has been a major disappointment in terms of sales. Wearable technology is definitely in, and smartwatch can turn out to be the flag-bearer in this domain – but the world does not yet seem to be ready for it. If Apple Watch is a hit, it will be venturing into a territory no smartwatch has ever been in. The odds are heavily stacked against it.
  15. An unrealistic target – In Canada, a survey was recently held to gauge the probable adoption rate of Apple Watch. Only 1 out of every 10 of the respondents (on an average) said they would go for it, while nearly 25% people were uncertain about it. The response has been somewhat similar in most other countries as well. For Apple Watch to reach its sales target of 50 million+ by end-2015, it will have to be one of the best-selling iOS gadgets ever. At the moment, that does not look a very likely scenario.


Since Apple Watch comes with Bluetooth 4.0 and other such sophisticated connectivity features, heavy data usage might also be a cause of concern. Right from its general display features and the Taptic mapping option, to the model colors – there is a lot of things in Apple Watch that deserve kudos. Whether they would be enough to make people rush to buy the product is an entirely different question though.


And yes, if the Apple Watch is a flop, the entire wearable technology sector will suffer a jolt.


AppBoard Tuesday – App Designing Blunders You Should Be Wary Of

You know how all good things in life are attained after tough struggles? Well, we did not quite have to ‘struggle’ to bring out this week’s edition of AppBoard Tuesday – but yeah, internet connectivity issues had us in a tizzy since this morning. Any which way, the Teks wi-fi network is back up-and-running now, and we are all set to start off with today’s ABT.

This week, we are highlighting an issue that tends to confuse new (at times, even experienced ones) mobile app developers. Determining the ‘right’ UI/UX design themes is not the easiest task for newbies – and the myth that mobile apps are simply extensions of mobile websites further adds to the problem. Today, we will point out some common design follies that app experts tend to make, and how you can stay away from them:


  1. Using bitmaps instead of vector graphics – We are nearing the end of 2014, and low-resolution bitmap design themes have become so passe. The chief problem with this old fashioned mobile app designing theme is that, it does not support high-resolution displays. What’s more – it becomes an issue to customize the displays for phones and tablets that support different pixel density (ppi) levels. You need to move over to vector graphics and start off with high-res, HQ displays. Scaling down the resolution for lower-end devices is always an option.
  2. Using the same app layout for different OS platforms – Are you an Android app developer and have just taken up an iOS project? If yes, remember that a ‘Back’ button is required for all iPhone/iPad apps – something that is not required for Android applications. There are several other differences that you need to be aware of, while creating multiple versions (for different mobile OS platforms) of the same app. Simply porting the same version across the different platforms won’t work.
  3. Using ‘Gesture’ that do not properly respond – Innovative, interactive touch features and other ‘gesture controls’ can raise the overall charms of a mobile app – but you have to make sure that these features are working properly first. Apart from the final-stage mobile app testing, there’s another, easier way to ensure this. Find out which existing apps in your genre enjoy decent amounts of popularity. Implement the gesture control features that have been implemented in them, with a touch of newness (of course!). You need not try to be a path-breaker, and end up with slow, unresponsive apps that irritate users.
  4. Using heavy animations in splash screens – The splash screen of a mobile app should be visible for a maximum of 10 seconds (and even that’s a stretch). New Android and iPhone app development professionals often include animations in the splash screens – which significantly increases the loading time of the concerned apps. Remember, it’s the functionality of the app that people are interested in – no one is holding their breath to check out how ‘stunningly beautiful’ (and painfully long) the splash screen is!
  5. Using navigation themes that make users tap too many times – In the domain of mobile app development, there is an unwritten rule – a mobile-user should not have to tap an application more than thrice, to reach the latter’s main page. Unfortunately, many novice UI/UX designers end up creating complicated in-app navigation paths, which require people to tap many more times. Not surprisingly, it does not take long for the users to lose interest in such apps, and the latter soon get uninstalled from devices. The bad word-of-mouth publicity is an extra.
  6. Not following an app development flowchart – ‘Planning as I develop’ is a strategy you should steer well clear of. Before starting to create the wireframes and mockups of any app, chalk out a detailed flowmap of the different stages of the process. The map will serve as a ready reference, keep things systematic, and ensure that no step is being skipped over. No matter how experienced you might be in creating apps, without an activity flowchart – your activities would be like the movements of a rudderless ship.
  7. Making the app interface cluttered – When you are creating an iPad or an Android tablet app, there is plenty of screen space as well as pixel density levels to play with. That, however, does not mean you can plug in as much content, links, images and other audiovisual elements in each of the screens. An app that appears stuffy and cluttered would never appeal to its targeted users – even if the features are excellent in themselves. At times, certain sections of such overstuffed screens might become invisible. Arrange all the stuff neatly, under different tabs, sections and pages. An app should always provide ‘ample room to breathe’ to its user.
  8. Using too small buttons and tabs – Unless you are working on a mobile app for kids only (and even then it’s inadvisable), you need to make all the buttons, tabs and other tapping areas on the app screens conspicuously large. On an average, the width of users’ index fingers vary between 1.5 cm to 2 cm. If the buttons you have used are too small, users would have a tough time to make the ‘right tap’, there would be a lot of unintended tapping – and overall user-experience will take a hit. Make all the call-to-action areas of the app clear and large enough. Remember, nearly 80% users do not continue using an app that have not performed satisfactorily the first time.
  9. Playing around with standard GUI features – In particular, scrollbars. You will not find a person who loves mobile apps that come with vertical as well as horizontal scrolling options. In general too, people are familiar with a standard image of ‘radio buttons’, ‘checkboxes’, ‘text input fields’, and the like. Do not try to be too innovative with these GUI controls. All that you would ultimately manage to do is complicate things for the final users.
  10. Using features and design styles that users cannot relate to – Leading mobile app companies conduct customer surveys before starting on a project, precisely for this purpose. It is very important to find out the nature of designs, color combinations, audio features, characters (if any), and other in-app elements that a particular group of targeted audience would prefer. For instance, a cartoon character rattling off a story is perfect on an Android/iPhone app for kids – but imagine how inappropriate it would be, if the same character was used to provide serious information (say, stock updates!). The preferences of users are what matters most, and budget considerations are not the only thing you should be concerned about.
  11. Not paying attention to security parameters – The ‘Security 101’ parameters should always be considered as some sort of Holy Grail by mobile app developers. With mobile-commerce activities gaining momentum across the world by the day (the arrival of Apple Pay would provide a further spurt), an app that does not seem ‘secure enough’ is doomed from the very outset. Apart from secure logging in options, you need to pay due attention to data authentication and encryption techniques that are being employed.
  12. Drawing up design schemes that are tough to implement – Let’s make one thing clear first – app designers and app developers should be separate teams, working in collaboration with each other. The design plans and elements you come up with might look smart in theory, but can prove to be next to impossible for the developers (and no, coding and designing should NEVER be done by the same person!) to implement. The trick lies in conceiving such UI designing plans that a) would appeal to users, and b) would be simple enough for the developers to implement.
  13. Using ‘Doorslam’ ads for revenue – Of course it’s important to earn revenue from your applications – but not by compromising on the user-experience front. You will be surprised to find how many mobile app companies do precisely that – by setting up full-screen (‘doorslam’) ads, covering the home screen of apps. Do not make the same mistake and alienate your clients. Arrange ads near the bottom of the screen (no part of the on-screen content should get covered). Users should also have the option to turn off ads.
  14. Not optimising PNG files before uploading – Any app developer worth his/her salt knows that in-app images need to be in PNG format. But that’s only half of the story – and there is no dearth of developers who directly upload heavy 24-bit PNGs, straight from Photoshop. Do a bit of research about image optimization software, like ImageOptim and ImageAlpha. Without sacrificing even a bit on picture quality, you can convert your PNGs to 64-bit files. They are the ones that should be uploaded on the servers.


Another thing you should keep in mind is that, app designing is not a one-shot job. You need to make use of in-app analytics software, and seek feedback from users – to find out how well (or poorly!) your app designs are being received. Both Apple and Google offer detailed app design pointers, which primarily focus on human interactions. Follow these pointers at all times. If it’s a mobile commerce app – keep the vital tabs (like ‘My Cart’) above the fold. High-end functionality no longer guarantees the success of any app – an application has to be ‘good-looking’ and easy to use as well. An advanced app that appears lousy is a sureshot #fail!


And folks, that rounds up the 18th edition (oh boy, it seems we started only a couple of weeks back!) of AppBoard Tuesday. Most of the mobile app designing guidelines listed in this edition of ABT have been framed after consultation with our in-house UI/UX designers, developers as well as experts from other companies. We really hope they prove to be useful for those who are relatively new in this field.


ABT takes a festive season break next week (after all, it will be the week of Durga Puja – one of the biggest annual Indian festivals). We will be back on October 7 with a new topic related to mobile applications.


Teknowledge Software wishes hearty season’s greetings to each one of our valued readers. Enjoy the festive days to the fullest, everyone!


And, don’t forget to keep zapping with apps!


iOS 8 Is Here – But Should You Upgrade Now?

iOS 8, the default OS on iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, has garnered positive reviews from developers worldwide. However, if you own an older phone (iPhone 4S or any of the iPhone 5 variants), you should not immediately upgrade to the new platform. Wondering why? Read on.


Even the staunchest of Android fanboys cannot ignore the fact that Apple’s new flagship device – iPhone 6 – is off to a flying start, in terms of pre-orders and sales figures. Tim Cook and his team launched the new mobile OS platform, iOS 8, with the device. iOS 8 has now been made available for iPhone 4S and 5 as well. While your first instinct on receiving a notification to upgrade is to go for it, here’s why you should wait for a bit:


  1. Doing an iOS 8 jailbreak won’t be easy – Professional software developers and hackers will soon come up with viable techniques to ‘jailbreak’ an iOS 8-powered device. However, no such jailbreaking software has yet been discovered – and until it is, you would be better off with your already-jailbroken iOS 7 phone. Why be in a tearing hurry to upgrade, and sacrifice phone customization options in the process?
  2. iCloud Drive requires OS X Yosemite – Make no mistake – Apple has done a splendid job with iCloud Drive, which enables users to keep their iPhones and Mac systems in sync. However, for this property to be functional, your Mac has to run on the new OS X Yosemite (10.10) – and that has not been commercially released yet. Even if you make the move to iOS 8 now, you will have to still rely on the old iCloud storage system. Wait for a few weeks, and then you will be able to enjoy all the features of the mobile OS.
  3. Software upgrade is necessary first – Installing iOS 8 before ensuring that all the pre-installed software in your device are updated ain’t something you should do. Look for a wi-fi hotspot or plug in your handset, and do a ‘Software Update’ (you will find it under ‘General’). In addition, you will need certain third-party apps – like Extensions and Swype. In fact, without the latter, you won’t be able to use third-party keyboards – one of the most talked-about features of iOS 8.
  4. Storage space might be an issue – The new operating system platform from Apple needs only 1.4 GB of free space. However, you should ideally have at least 3-4GB of free internal memory space, before doing the upgrade. Otherwise, the speed of your handset might get compromised. A note to those who have hundreds of apps installed in their phones – you will have to get rid of some of the old, unused apps. This is your chance for doing a proper phone cleanup!
  5. Some of the apps might not work – Professional mobile app developers got their hands on the preview version of iOS 8, weeks before its official release at the 9 September event. Hence, they have had enough time to customize new iPhone apps according to the features and software of the new platform. Even so, chances are high that there would be some apps for which upgraded versions are not yet available. You might also find that some of the older apps have disappeared from iTunes. Wait for a couple of weeks, make sure that all the apps are upgraded, and then make the switch (for instance, Dropbox on iOS 8 still does not work). Do not lose out on functionality.
  6. Older phones and tablets won’t get Continuity – Heard a lot about the ‘Continuity’ feature of iOS 8 that enables you to share tasks (calling, checking email, etc.) between your Mac and your handset device? Well, unless you own an iPhone 5, you won’t be able to check it out in real (sorry, iPad 2, 3 and iPhone 4S users!). Unless Apple is planning to phase out the older devices (not really likely), ‘Continuity’ should come to these handheld device models too. And, as already mentioned above, Mac OS X Yosemite is not yet ready.
  7. You won’t get Handoff either – Yet another iOS 8 functionality that is in the final stage of beta-testing. To keep your stuff synced between iMacs and iPhones, ‘Handoff’ promises to be a really useful feature – but you won’t probably get the maximum benefits if you upgrade right now. Once again, the problem stems from the fact that the latest version of Mac OS has not been released till now. According to reports coming in from software and mobile app development forums, Apple is eyeing a late-October release for it, along with the next-gen iPad.
  8. There might be bugs and technical snags – iOS 8 is not as big an overhaul over iOS 7, as the latter was over iOS 6. However, that does not mean that everything will run just perfectly on the new platform from the very outset. As is common with any newly released software, there will be minor snags and glitches, which Apple would iron out over the coming weeks. It makes a lot more sense to stay loyal to iOS 7 and move over to its successor when it is completely bug-free, right?
  9. Taking Backup of your documents is vital – It would be a folly to try to be one of the earliest adopters of iOS 8, and lose valuable documents stored in your mobile in the process. You won’t get to use iCloud Drive yet, but kindly remember to keep backups of all your important files in iCloud storage (you will get the option under Settings → iCloud). In case the ‘Available’ space has whittled down to less than 1 GB, buy a new 20GB/200 GB (as per your requirements) from Apple. The prices are $0.99 and $3.99 (monthly) respectively.
  10. You won’t have an option to downgrade – When iOS 7 was first released, many people tried it, did not quite like it, and downgraded to iOS 6. Till now, there are no reports that this would be possible – once you have upgraded to iOS 8. In fact, if you are not aware about the ‘blobs’ that are used to downgrade a mobile OS version to its predecessor, it would become an impossible task for you. It would be a good idea to learn about these blobs and other such files commonly used for downgrading, before moving to the new platform. Unless you have just bought iPhone 6/iPhone 6 Plus, there is no reason to get stuck with iOS 8 – which can be initially problematic.
  11. Consider the speed of your device – Users of iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad 3 please take note – the new mobile platform can slow down your iGadget. This can occur mainly due to compatibility issues between the device features and the software requirements/configurations of iOS 8. iPhone app developers feel that some of the ‘heavier’ apps might not work properly on the older devices – even if the apps are updated. As things stand now, you are better off using iPhone 4S with iOS 7.
  12. Enterprise features would require permissions – Wish to use your iPhone/iPad as a part of the overall software/IT department setup at your workplace? If yes, ask the system admin for the requisite permissions, before downloading the new Apple platform. Right from government-standard encryption and high-end passcodes, to corporate roaming and VIP messaging – iOS 8 comes with a host of new and useful business features. It would be a shame if you could not take full advantage of it.
  13. The latest version of iTunes is required – This is for the users who plan to install iOS 8 via iTunes. Replace the older version from your Mac/iPhone, and install the 32-bit iTunes 11.4 in its place. The advantages are two-fold – the iOS 8 installation will be quick and easy, and you will start getting all the advantages of iTunes as well. For more information on how to use iTunes in a smart, efficient manner, click here.
  14. Apple servers might get overloaded – Remember how the live streaming of the iPhone 6/6 Plus/Apple Watch launch event went kaput on September 9th? The same might occur if too many people are trying to download iOS 8 from the Apple servers at the same time. Hardcore Apple fans would rush to get a first-hand feel of the new platform, even if it is not fully functional at present. You need not be in a tearing hurry. Remember, who uses iOS 8 first ain’t important – getting the best out of the OS is what matters.

Try to gather information from fellow-users who have the same-generation iOS devices as yours and have already migrated to the iOS 8 platform. The actual process of upgrading is easy enough – and you will find the download links online. We feel that you should wait till OS X Yosemite arrives, and then make the switch. Otherwise, the initial chaotic days of iOS 6 (remember the Maps app?) might just be back!


Do let us know if you plan to upgrade to iOS 8 right now, or will be patiently waiting for a few more weeks…

Android One: Now In India!

The homepage of Google India proudly proclaimed ‘Meet Android One’ on September 16 – the day when Sundar Pichai (senior VP, Google) announced the launch of this new, low-cost mobile platform. Here’s a roundup of all the key points about this innovative project from Google.


In all the buzz and excitement about the soon-to-release Android L platform, many mobile enthusiasts missed out on a relatively low-key announcement during the annual Google I/O event (held in June).  A low-cost version of the Android platform – codenamed Android One – has been announced for the Indian market (there might be expansions later on). With this platform, Google is trying to strengthen its already dominant share in the smartphone sector. In what follows, we have summed up all that you need to know about Android One:


  1. Why? – There already exists several low-cost Android phones, so why bother creating a whole new variant of the OS? Analysts from mobile app development companies feel that the reason is two-fold – firstly, it would do away with the customizations that the individual carriers and OEMs do on the original Android codes. Also, the presence of a new platform would serve as a buffer against the threat of Samsung’s Tizen OS (whenever it releases).
  2. How affordable? – All of us are aware of how Apple promised affordability with the iPhone 5C, and then royally messed things up on the price front. Google seems to have learnt from its rival’s mistake. The Android One phones will be priced from Rs. 6399 (around $ 99). In other words, there WILL REMAIN a significant difference between these handsets and the high-end Android phones.
  3. On which devices? – Android One is set to debut on three handsets – Spice Dream UNO, Micromaxx Canvas A1 and Karbonn Sparkle V. Since the hardware specifications of these phones are almost identical (under the hood), there would be a feel of uniformity across all One devices. What remains to be seen is whether (and if yes, how many?) other OEMs can be roped in for the Android One project.
  4. Which OS will power Android One phones? – You will have to wait for Lemon Meringue Pie (or will it be Lollipop?) for some time more. Android 4.4.4 KitKat will be the mobile OS powering the devices included under Android One. If the project turns out to be a success, critics who have been doubting the commercial viability of KitKat will be silenced, at least for some time.
  5. It’s low-cost, so will the phone specs be sub-par? – Sundar Pichai and his team have promised nothing short of the ‘full Android experience’ on all the Android One phones. Users will be able to download Android apps directly from the Google Play Store (without additional skins), while automatic updates will be available for free as well. The built-in Newsstand and Translate apps have been worked upon, to make them more user-friendly than their earlier versions. Google Now – the digital voice assistant – will be available too. The devices will, understandably, focus more on India-based searches.
  6. What about the phone display? – Nothing to write home about – but most mobile app developers and analysts in India feel that Android One has promised more than decent value-for-money. The screen size is a not-too-bad 4.5” (only a couple of inches lesser than the ultra-hyped iPhone 6). Apart from generic FM radio and dual-SIM features, the One phones will also come with a surprisingly impressive 845×480 pixel resolution level. It’s nothing out of the world, but it’s definitely better than many phones bearing higher price tags!
  7. Will Wi-Fi be always necessary for updates? – No, it won’t. Google will be rolling out automatic installs and updates that would work even when a user is not in a Wi-Fi hotspot. It is not yet clear whether free updates will be available on the more basic apps for Android, like Gmail, as well. Oh, and there will be an option to save YouTube videos without streaming them, and view them later offline. If watching videos on mobile is your thing, you will love this feature!
  8. What about storage capacity? – Once again, the storage features of the Android One platform belies its extremely affordable (read: low) pricing. The three One phones will have 1 GB RAM, along with an internal storage capacity of 4 GB. With microSD cards, the latter can be expanded to a maximum of 32 GB. When you consider that 35 GB of Google Drive space would also be available to Android One users – the deal seems really good indeed. Monthly data usage of upto 200 MB (only on Airtel) will also be supported.
  9. What is carrier billing? – Carrier Billing is, in fact, one of the standout features of Android One. The phones are targeted towards the lower end of the market spectrum – where making mobile payments via credit cards is not at all common. Carrier Billing offers a convenient alternative to that. After every premium downloads/paid data usage, users will be charged according to their specific carrier charges and plans (pre- or post-paid).
  10. What will be the battery performance and connectivity features? – The Android One phones will run on 1700 mAh battery, which would give them a battery life (under normal usage) of around ten hours. The latest Bluetooth connectivity platform (Bluetooth 4.0) will be supported on the phones. In the wireless environment, the 802.11 b/g/n connectivity promises a robust performance.
  11. What processor would be used? – The three introductory Android One handsets will run on 1.3 GHz Quadcore processors (MediaTek). This, in turn, would keep the device speeds fairly high. To minimize chances of app crashes and non-responsive screens, later phones might come with Qualcomm processors as well. According to Android app developers and researchers, the recent tie-up between Google and Qualcomm was an indication of that.
  12. Will Google offer mobile software support? – Oh yes, it will. On all Android One phones, software support will be available directly from Google (just like on the Nexus devices) for 2 years. What’s more – phones will be compatible with the highly-anticipated Android L platform, which should be launched this fall. There will be no carrier-specific customizations – ‘equality’ will be the main point of the Android experience on these devices.
  13. Will regional languages be supported? – Well, this is a no-brainer. Given that Android One is making its debut in India, it obviously boasts of multi-language support. To start off with, seven different local languages are supported on the low-cost Google mobile platform (including, of course, Hindi). If the phones are well received, there is every chance that more languages will be included in the project.
  14. From where can the Android One phones be bought? – For the time being, Android One phones can be bought from ONLINE RETAILERS ONLY. You can get the Karbonn, Micromax and Spice phones at Snapdeal, Amazon, and Flipkart respectively. Depending on the user-feedback received, the next set of devices might become available for sale at physical stores.

There is a buzz among mobile app experts that Android One will bolster the popularity of the Facebook application. Google is going really big on this project – with its ‘Showroom On Wheels’ slated to showcase Android One across 20 Indian cities, at over six hundred locations. It is expected that the project would be rolled out to several other South Asian nations by the end of 2015. Asus, Xolo Lava, Lenovo and HTC are some other leading mobile manufacturers that are likely to join in the Android One bandwagon soon. Apple burnt its hands while trying to make a ‘budget iPhone’, but it seems that Google would fare better with its new low-cost series of smartphones.