Tag Archives: wearable devices

Building Smart Cities With LoRa Technology: 15 Applications

Hussain Fakhruddin
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Hussain Fakhruddin

Hussain Fakhruddin is the founder/CEO of Teknowledge mobile apps company. He heads a large team of app developers, and has overseen the creation of nearly 600 applications. Apart from app development, his interests include reading, traveling and online blogging.
Hussain Fakhruddin
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With IoT technologies getting more and more refined, interest in the creation of ‘smart cities’ – where practically all important activities are digitally monitored and everything is connected – is in overdrive. It is expected that the worldwide smart cities market will keep growing at a CAGR of close to 20% over the next decade… Read More »

Trending Mobile Technologies 2016 That Will Drive More Scope In Future!

Hussain Fakhruddin
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Hussain Fakhruddin

Hussain Fakhruddin is the founder/CEO of Teknowledge mobile apps company. He heads a large team of app developers, and has overseen the creation of nearly 600 applications. Apart from app development, his interests include reading, traveling and online blogging.
Hussain Fakhruddin
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(This post has been contributed by Surya Kumar – digital marketing analyst at LatestOne.com) Technology has always been a big boom for mankind. Technology is revolutionary and it brings necessary changes to our old strategies and techniques so that we can make our lives easier. We can see significant change of technological trends in 2016.… Read More »